White Vegetables Offer Health and Culinary Benefits

White vegetables have same health benefits as more colorful ones and many culinary advantages

White vegetables have same health benefits as more colorful ones and many culinaSource: Getty Images


Don’t be deceived by their pale shade. White vegetables have many health and culinary benefits.

There's so much talk about the health benefits of eating colorful fruits and vegetables, I think the white ones get over looked. That's too bad because they are a source of important nutrients, just like the more colorful ones, and winter is the perfect time to incorporate the many white vegetables into your meals while they are in season. 

The most popular white vegetables eaten year round are potatoes, onions, and cauliflower. But the cold weather months are when parsnips, turnips, and kohlrabi should be added to your shopping list. You've probably seen them in the produce aisle and walked right past them in pursuit of some dark green kale or bright orange squash, but don't be deceived by their pale hue. They are nutrition powerhouses, too. 

Another way to get more white vegetables into your diet is by adding more of the aromatic varieties to your recipes. Think garlic, shallots, leek, and ginger to provide a big boost of flavor to any dish.  If your salads need more crunch during the long winter months when garden is bare, turn to white jicama and Jerusalem artichokes, also known as Sunchokes. Both can be eaten raw or cooked and stored in the refrigerator for 1-3 weeks. 

And don't forget mushrooms, my personal favorite! They are one of the most versatile white vegetables you can have in your kitchen. Mushrooms provide a meaty texture, the savory taste known as umami, and an important source of Vitamin D, which no other vegetable has. They are also low in calories, fat-free, cholesterol-free and very low in sodium.

 For recipes and information on storage and selections visit:

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