Welcome to pluQ

Our innovative fresh mushroom products are a source of inspiration. By using the latest technologies pluQ makes eating fresh mushrooms even more appealing and easier. Our pre-sliced and washed mushrooms are of the highest quality and in addition to having longer shelf life they are also ready to cook straight away.

The new standard
The first fresh product from pluQ has the potential to become the new standard for fresh, sliced mushrooms for the retail sector. Van Bakel: "The mushrooms are washed and are therefore ready to use. The production process is also efficient which allows us to offer the mushrooms for a considerably lower price than consumers are used to paying for fresh, processed mushrooms. This fresh concept responds to the consumer demand for attractively priced mushrooms that are quick and convenient to prepare.” Research has shown that the pluQ fresh mushrooms tempt consumers to use mushrooms more frequently and to buy more. In other words, pluQ mushrooms offer the possibility of category growth.
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