LIVE TRAINING in HORST (NL) 13 - 17 November 2023

  Mushroom Course

Blended Mushroom Course
You can do the e-learning course at your own pace and in your own time before you start the live training. The course explains the basic concepts and processes of composting and mushroom growing. The explanation is followed by questions. When you have submitted the answers, you will receive feedback immediately.

During live training, all participants have the same basic knowledge, so there is plenty of time to deal with individual questions. This is not only valuable for the individual participant, but sharing knowledge between the trainer and the other participants makes the theory more relevant. The everyday practice at the composting facility and the mushroom farm of the participants will also be discussed. Linking theoretical knowledge about composting and mushroom growing with everyday practice is at the core of effective learning. During the course, we will visit mushroom growers, composting companies and other suppliers every day. So you can actually see, feel and smell what goes on in practice.
More info, click on this link, Hope to see you in November!

Mark den Ouden

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