Germany: Wild mushroom season is open

In the coming 12 weeks it is high season for the Cantharel. The small, yellow / brown mushrooms with their typical funnel-shaped hat have been shooting out of the ground for a few days. "The aromatic mushrooms taste particularly good when baked in the pan for a short time," says Uwe Buschhaus, owner of a mushroom company from Meckenheim Germany. His company is part of the "Mushroom Network'', a network which some of Europe's largest mushroom importers and exporters have joined. They have made ​​it their task to ensure the smooth and healthy properties of wild mushrooms and cultivated mushrooms, are brought to the attention of the people.

The 'Mushroom Network'' shows more information and advice on their website on edible mushrooms and is well received by industry, commerce and consumers. Uwe Buschhaus knows that quality is not just created. So he, along with the other members of the "Mushroom Network he built one of the most modern logistics centres for consumption mushrooms in the German Meckenheim in 2009. With a total area of 2,500 square meters, this building was a competence centre that provides optimal opportunities to meet the needs of customers.

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