The Eighth International Conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products 2014 is being held in New Delhi, India during 19-22 Nov 2014 by World Society of Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products in collaboration with the Mushroom Society of India and Directorate of Mushroom Research (ICAR), Solan, India.
The program of the 8th ICMBMP will comprise plenary lectures by key mushroom researchers. Also, students and young scientists will be given an opportunity to present their research during main sessions and as a poster.
An exhibition will be held concurrently with the scientific programme for organizations to showcase their services, products and technologies.
On behalf of the World Society for Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products, Directorate of Mushroom Research, Solan and Mushroom Society of India, we are delighted to invite you to participate in this important scientific conference. We also request you to please circulate it to your peers to enhance the participation in the conference. This is a novel opportunity to interact with scientists and other colleagues from various parts of the globe.
The First circular of the 8th ICMBMP is attached herewith for you ready reference. The website ( for the conference is already in operation.
Yours sincerely