Exclusive Matsutake Mushrooms Going ‘Cheap’


Matsutake mushrooms are a prized delicacy in Japan. Bloomberg News
A gloomy summer has pushed up the wholesale prices of many everyday vegetables in Japan, but it has had the opposite effect on a more exclusive item at the other end of the price scale: matsutake mushrooms.

A wet summer with a sudden temperature drop late in the season is just what the premium mushroom variety needs, matsutake sellers say.

“We typically open our store in late September, but this year we were in business by the middle of the month to accommodate the early arrival of matsutake,” said Koji Kanemitsu, who manages a matsutake mushroom store in Hiroshima.

“Last summer we were selling a kilogram for more than ¥100,000 ($920), but so far this year we have them available for half that price,” he said, noting the volume of supply was much larger than last year.

According to the latest farm ministry data, the average price of lettuce per kilogram in early September was 65% higher than the average for the past five years. Cabbage and cucumber prices were also up by more than 40%, the ministry figures show.

Matsutake grow on the roots of red pines and are prized by aficionados for their strong distinctive scent. They are often steamed, grilled or cooked in rice or soup.

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