Thursday, September 5


Welcome to BIOSCHAMP FINAL EVENT, an oportunity to discover the work of over four years and the present and future of the mushroom sector!


Date and time

Thursday, September 5 · 9am - 2pm CEST


Centro de Estudios e Investigación para la Gestión de Riesgos Agrarios y Medioambientales

Centro de Estudios e Investigación para la Gestión de Riesgos Agrarios y Medioambientales 28040 Madrid Spain
Show map


09:00 - 09:30


09:30 - 10:30

Peat in Europe. Future challenges.

10:30 - 11:00

Coffe Break

11:00 - 12:00

Is European agriculture ready for a future without chemical pesticides?

12:00 - 13:00

Bioschamp results and Related Projects

13:00 - 14:00


About this event

  • Event lasts 5 hours

During over four years BIOSCHAMP project has aimed to develop an integrated approach to tackle the mushroom cultivation challenges: an alternative and sustainable low-peat casing for the mushroom industry, reducing the need for pesticides and contributing to improving the productivity, sustainability, and the profitability of the European mushroom sector.

After all this time, the project will celebrate it's FINAL EVENT! A great opportunity to discover the results of the project and the present and future of the mushroom Industry by the hand of some of the best experts on the sector. An opportunity that you can't miss!


Discover the Event:

The day will start with several talks on the situation of peat in Europe, and the challenges ahead for this socio-economic activity. After a coffe break, the experts will get into the relevant topic of pesticides, to discuss if the European agriculture is ready for a future without chemical pesticides. After that you will be able to discover the results of BIOSCHAMP project after over four years of work, as well as ejoy the participation of other related projects. The day will finish with a Networking event including spanish wine, an excelent oportunity to meet and greet with the European Mushroom Sector.


Final Agenda comming soon! Stay tuned to our Social Media and be the first to know!


Where? Aula Magna of the Agronomists Building of the Complutense University of Madrid.


Event organized by CTICH (project coordinator) with the support of Innovarum (communications partner). CTICH is the Mushroom Technological Research Center of La Rioja, which is hosted by the Spanish Association of Mushroom Growers (ASOCHAMP). CTICH is also the current leader of the technical committee of the GEPC. Innovarum is a consultoy specialized in the agri-food sector with the overall aim of fostering innovation and knowledge exchange. It works as D&C Leader in BIOSCHAMP project.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 101000651.

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