BDC expects for 2011 clearly higher prices for fresh mushrooms [NIEMIECKI ZWIĄZEK PIECZARKARZY]



Through the bad weather conditions in the past summer in far parts of Europe, the straw qualities are not especially good for the mushroom annex. The prices for straw, principle component in the production, almost doubled itself in the last months. Therefore the alliance expects German mushroom and Kulturpilzanbauer (BDC) for 2011 a higher price level.


"The tightly and therewith expensively become raw material water and nutrient cannot store through its weaker cell structure in accustomed manner. In the procurement of this tight raw material, always larger distances must be traversed. In the yields, only a weakly average harvest can be expected this year. The production will not keep up this year probably with the demand of the consumers and will can therewith the quantity wishes of the trade not always fulfilled", so Franz feast, chairperson of the BDC.
The substrate businesses fully used to full capacity in many parts of Europe and have no more free capacities. Here fresh fungus makers encounter on a reinforced demand of the Konservenpilzanbauer. Hereby the raw material becomes culture substrate in addition even tighter. Unfortunately the high costs increases of the last years did not reflect against themselves yet in better proceeds for the annex businesses.
The paragraph of fresh fungus very pleasantly developed in Germany. Through different information and advertising campaigns, for example over the webpage, in the largest consumer countries of Europe, the demand will grow after fresh fungus further.

WIADOMOŚĆ Z 04.01.2011 !?

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