Dear Colleague:

In 7 months, the 12th International Medicinal Mushrooms Conference will be open in Bari (Italy).

The purpose of this Second Circular is to invite you to attend the IMMC12 and to let us know if you

plan to attend, and also to request that you submit your abstracts to the conference. Please complete

the registration form and abstract template available on the web (

We would appreciate your early response if you plan to attend.

The third circular and final program will be distributed only to registered participants and will be

posted on the IMMC12 website.



Comitato Organizzatore Convegno Internazionale The 12th International Medicinal Mushrooms Conference (nonprofit organization)

Fiscal code: 93099030509. Deed of Incorporation 25 October 2022

Registered Office: Department of Soil, Plant and Food Science

Via G. Amendola, 165/A; I-70126, Bari (Italy)

Secretariat: Dr. Gaetano Balenzano, Dr. Raimondo Pardi (

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